9 Easy Tips to Help Avoid the Summer Slide
By Darius Lana
Updated: 1/24/2021
If you’re like most people, once school is out for the summer, you avoid all contact with it until fall. No visiting campus, no logging onto the school website and the only time you pull out a textbook is when you’re trying to prop up your iPad in bed to watch “Chamber of Secrets” for the fifth time.
We stay out late, avoid waking up early, and try to nap often. It’s a great plan, until school starts and you realize you forgot how to learn.
To avoid this summer slide feeling, I’ve put together nine ways to learn effortlessly.
1. Travel. A Lot.
The summer is a great time to travel, and there are easy ways to add in a learning experience while you do it. If you have the budget, a study abroad program will allow you to have fun learning about a new culture, language, and topic. In many cases, there’s room for college credit.
You can get the top 50 study abroad program rankings from U.S. News & World Report here.
Also, short field trips can be fun and educational. Get the summer started while creating learning opportunities by:
- Hiking in your local or state park
- Visit a natural spring
- Take a day trip to a new city
- Learn about the unique wildlife in your area
- Try new foods
- Create a scavenger hunt with friends
They even have a sleepaway summer camp for adults — check these out.
2. Intern to Learn.
Step outside of the classroom and into the world you could find yourself in, in a few years. Interning can be a great summer learning experience.
Find out firsthand about your desired industry or explore a new one. Here’s a list of the Top 50 internships.
3. Game Night.
If you’re competitive, a game night could be your thing. Monopoly, Cranium, Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples, and Trivial Pursuit can help flex the brain muscles and avoid the summer slide. If you don’t own any board games, trivia is often happening at local restaurants and bars. And of course, there’s always an app for that – game apps.
4. Take an Online Class. But Only If You Want.
It’s honestly one of the best ways to learn. And it doesn’t have to be school-related. There are several types of classes you can take to improve skills or develop new ones. Learn how to play guitar, shoot photography, cook, or write code. YouTube channels and Udemy classes are some of the best sources for mass online learning opportunities.
5. Start a Vlog
A lot is going on in the world right now. Blogs and vlogs are great ways to educate others on current events. Or it can be a great way to escape current events.
There are many topics — travel, politics, education, fashion, hair and makeup, animals, technology, adult beverages, and cooking. Do some research, explore fun discussions, and say what’s on your mind!
Here are some popular vlogs to inspire your start.
6. Netflix and Learn
There are many documentaries on Netflix that are worth your binge-watching time. Once you finish watching the new season of “Orange Is the New Black,” you should check out the many educational documentaries available. Here are the top 50 from Paste Magazine.
7. Get Involved
Volunteering or working with an organization in your desired industry will help keep the summer slide at bay. It’s a great way to stay active and help build connections when looking for a job—# Networkingiskey.
Plus, there’s always the feel-good part of helping others.
8. Hang Out with TED
Listen to TED Talks — These are informative speeches captured on camera and delivered by world leaders and industry experts.
This one by Sir Ken Robinson about education is my favorite, but there’s something for everyone. www.Ted.com.
9. Get Your Hands Dirty
Plant a Vegetable Garden — Learn about the different vegetables, when they’re ready to harvest, and what’s best to plant in your area.
There’s a new way to farm that is gaining popularity called Fleet Farming. It might be a fun idea to try out.
What Do You Think?
Just trying one or all of these ideas can help avoid the “where did all my smarts go?” feeling in the fall. But honestly, all these would be fun year-round.
Do you have any other ideas? I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a comment below or on social — let’s chat.